Our hands-on e-book guide to rethink and redo your project’s online communication. This useful book was created from the two activities of the project (the training course in France and the seminar in Bulgaria) and with the help of all the inspiring participants who came to explore creative tools and discover better ways to convey their messages to the digital world.
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And share it with anyone who might find it useful.
11-15 NOVEMBER 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria
Our project’s second activity had an amazing group of educators, visual artists, cultural and communication managers, artivists and youth workers from France, North Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Armenia, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. Together, they had time to define their projects and associations’ main goals and created a communication strategy canvas for them. The seminar was a hardcore intensive workshop based on the non-formal educational methods. Our trainer gave them the opportunity to use different creative tools for content creation and to discover the needs of their audiences.
Photo by Ål Nik.
Curious about the seminar? See some photos from the workshop in Sofia here.
2-17 September 2019
Brivezac, France
Our “Creative Communication” training course gathered artivists, educators, artists, communication managers, activists, youth workers and young leaders from France, North Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Armenia, Spain and Poland to exchange creative practices of digital communication. The project aimed to offer alternative sources of non-formal education expression for the youth in Europe. Our proposal was to spread innovative digital tools of social media and content distribution online for youth workers using photo, video, storytelling, online marketing tools and social media strategies to engage Europeans in intersectional learning and inclusion.
Photo by Dana Verstak.
Curious about the workshop? See more photos from the training course in France here.
Creating and maintaining good quality and empathic online communication is a very challenging activity for non-profit organisations worldwide. The huge amount of information and communication styles out on the web creates sometimes chaos and mixture of violent and not correctly addressed messages. Although the majority of the organisations active in the field fully acknowledge the importance of the above-described problem in many cases they are still lacking proper tools and methods to tackle the issue in a more innovative and creative manner that could bring greater benefits to the young people they work with.
Leo is a film director trainer and activist. He studied social psychology and then turned to film studies. From 2008 to 2016 he has been working on TV/movie sets as well as post-production. After all these years of experience in 2016, Leo becomes a founder of a video production company Dis Donc Production based in France.
From 2016 he is a trainer of Erasmus+ projects helping young people and youth workers to build skills around such topics as audiovisual tools, digital storytelling, media literacy. He is passionate about foreign languages and cultures. Leo believes that we are all storytellers and all we need is the right tools to communicate our stories with to the world.
Alexandra is a communication designer, illustrator and visual storyteller. She has been working in copywriting, digital communication and marketing during the past 12 years while being always attracted by arts – street dancing, music and drawing. She is a trainer since 2014 when she started teaching about digital skills marketing and communication; and all the creative ways to do online marketing and business planning.
She now studies History of Art in Sofia and explores the possibilities of using art as an educational tool as well as a mean for inclusion & self-development. Visual communication is definitely her passion and she also does graphic recording and facilitation as well as workshops to teach people using the method too.
Ilaria is a visual facilitator engaged to spread the use of visual language as a tool to support the learning processes. Her mission is to help people to explore their full potential and support groups to develop projects and focus on the implementation. As social researcher graduated in Political Science with a Master of Art in communication and sociology of Migration she conducted a number of researches concerning gender and refugees’ empowerment – focused on financial education and family balance and savings – within European projects.
As an expert in cooperative learning methods and visual facilitation, she designed, supervised and
coordinated several non-formal education trainings for Italian local institutions educational organisations international agencies and NGOs. President of Micro Progress Onlus a non-for-profit Italian Association that promotes and implements projects for microenterprise development through micro-credit and financial inclusion she also founded and managed one of the best rated Bed & Breakfast in Rome downtown (Strawberry House B&B) since 2005 to 2017 when she finally met Nomadways and decided to move to France. She takes care of spaces to host quality conversations, experiences and creative activities.
Further reading:
Is there a need of creativity in communication?
Read our Alex’s article on the power of creativity in the communication and why we need to make sure we are doing our best on how we convey our online messages.
⊳ Read the whole article on our blog here
This training course has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. If you would like to find out more about the programme, please visit European Commission’s webpage here.