28-30 SEPTEMBER 2018
Our first annual festival at Homade took place at the end of September and brought together artists and artivists from Denmark, Venezuela, Brazil, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Spain and the Netherlands. It was an amazing creativity sharing opportunity that we were happy to offer together with Kacalou - our inspiring partner - the associative cafe in Beaulieu-sur-Dordone.
It was created to explore and reveal all the possibilities of co-creation. It was open to anyone who wanted to join a gang of creative and curious people who are interested in art as a mean of self-exploration, inclusion, expression, social change, respect, peace, love, care, curiosity, learning, freedom, improvisation and collectivism. For 3 days we shared a space, animated and experienced creative moments proposed by each other. We lived, cooked and ate together, as well as co-managed a festival of our own.
The artivists facilitated workshops for each other during the days. Photos by Anne-Sofie Nielsen.
12:00 TEAM BUILDING with Kim Goddard (UK)
An introductory workshop on ‘problem solving’ activity in small groups designed to give us a chance to get to know each other, get constructive and creative and have a laugh!
Language: English and French
15:00 BODY EXPRESSION with I Fiori Di Cafe (IT)
A space where you can listen to your heartbeat and body inner rhythms and take them into a journey of expression; we used the basis of body and environment percussion gently waking up and shaking the voices of our bodies.
Language: English
17:00 FANZINES & WILD HERBS with Chari and Maryse (ES and FR)
The workshop introduced the concept of fanzine and we learned how to create our own Zines using very simple origami modules. The goal of the workshop was to reflect about our relationship with nature, learn about the wild medicinal plants that surround the barn and project an eco awareness message into the world.
Language: English and French
20:00 THEATRE PERFORMANCE by Dromocósmicas Theatre Itinerant (GR)
In the evenings there were theatrical performances and live music. Photos by Ål Nik and Anne-Sofie Nielsen.
10:00 SUBMERGED - Performance Composition Workshop with Kai and Carmen (DK)
Choose between playing the Dramaturg or the Dancer in this joint performance composition workshop! Our theme was wetness vs. dryness explored through creative writing and intervention in the Dramaturg group and through movement compositions in the Dancer group. Halfway through the groups gathered and experimented with merging their dance-works and language-works as the shoreline meets the sea.
Language: English
12:00 MOVE IN CYCLE with Lucia (IT)
We dedicated ourselves to listening to our body first in its position and then in the movement. We moved in awareness of our body acting in space with the bodies of others; all this following the cyclic energies of the four phases that the woman crosses each month. It was an experiment to become aware of the feminine cyclical nature.
Language: English/Italian/Spanish
15:00 A TASTE OF IMPROV! with Gilles (FR) / INDOOR
A workshop for everyone experienced and beginners. Improv teaches us to be present to be spontaneous to be brave, to be silly and let's not forget to be funny. A first taste of improv while enjoying ourselves.
Language: French and English
15:00 NATURAL DYE with Coralie (FR)
Create and recreate more and more without impacting anymore the people and the environment. Reinventing fashion and textile uses are my motive’. Through the workshop we experimented with the creation of vegetable dyes and its application on fabric.
Language: French and English
17:00 BODY MUSIC with Justine (FR)
We slap tap, move, slide our body and heat our voice to make some sounds. Grow our awareness of the body as a musical instrument.
Language: body
20:00 THEATRE PERFORMANCE with Cécile (FR)
From our romantic impulses to stride the world to our landing in a small tourist train what could have happened? How have our dreams of encounters discoveries and adventures turned into circuits guided through souvenir shops "made in China"? Is it still possible to travel? Through a gesticulated conference with music, images, poetry and texts of authors I return to my experiences as a traveler, ethnologist, musician and tourist in spite of myself by questioning international mobility which has become a social norm and the impact of mass tourism the world's leading service industry today.
Language: French
End of the day JAM SESSION with everyone :)
Design by our Ål Nik.
Beautiful vegan food prepared by Lèa in the garden.
12:00 PLAY! with Claire (NL)
Make funny faces, transform yourself into a 7-legged dinosaur, make crazy noises; take yourself on a little trip into your own imaginary world. It was time for your inner child to come out and PLAY! We used different tools like dancing, improvisation theatre, clowning and maybe some laughing yoga to come into this dimension but left all the techniques behind.
Language: English and French
The workshop explored different life situations and real people's challenges and struggles. We dived into the role of an oppressed or oppressive human to reflect on the way we go through our lives with or without taking the time to think about those roles in our society.
Language: French or English
17:00 EMBODIED CONNECTION with Adriana (BR)
An invitation to create with the other participants a space in which we can experiment together different ways to establish connection and to communicate. We will explore how to be present with others while remaining present with ourselves and with what is going on in our bodies. It was an experimental workshop involving physical interaction, mindfulness and personal sharing. The intention is also to provide a moment in which participants can relax and be held by each other.
Language: English
Following up the workshop that took place earlier, the group made a performance to make a beautiful closure of their journey.
21:00 MUSIC PERFORMANCE by El grupo se llama "Dueto C.C." (ES)
Live music show starting with an instrumental intro songs sung rumba style manouche rock and roll environmental song a small comic musical show in which to rock rhythm there was a single fart ending with a very danceable instrumental and active. A joyful closure of our amazing weekend together!
Photo by Ål Nik.
The festival was organised by Nomadways and Kacalout. Both associations invested in making it happen and it became reality only with the volunteer support of the participats, artivists and local volunteers. Kacalou bar had some delicious and organic drinks for us. Also, our amazing Lea prepared vegan dishes for Friday and Saturday evening to die for! Her colourful brunch on Sunday was absolutely inspiring and delicious! Thank you ♥
Special thanks to the coordinators of the project: our Alexandra Nikolova, Corinne Lohner, Karolina Ufa and Kim Kaller.
Location: Créestival took place in Homade - Nomadways co-creation space in Brivezac, France. A place for nomads artists, educators and social actors to come and play, learn, create and share. A place for you for us to shape our world together!