Being a member of Nomadways gives you the opportunity to be a part of an international artivistic community and take active action in our projects and activities. We have groups with more than 180 inspiring people who are part of our family and who create beautiful projects all around the globe!
Here are some additional details on the membership regulations as well as the three levels of involvement in our association.
There are three levels of membership at Nomadways this year.
1. Regular Membership, 2. Active Membership and 3. Full Membership.
What does that mean? Here we go:
To be a regular member of the association, you must:
✪ Fully accept the statutes, the association's internal regulations.
✪ Pay an annual membership fee, the minimum amount of which is being set at the General Assembly every year for the upcoming year.
(Minimum membership fee for Spring 2020 - Spring 2021 is 10 EUR. However, you are invited to contribute more if you feel like)
Being a regular member of Nomadways, gives you:
✪ Access to Nomadways Artivists working groups on Facebook and Slack.
✪ Monthly newsletters with upcoming project invitations, news about the artivists’ work and projects and insightful resources on activism, education, remote work, culture and life.
✪ Discount for every activity’s entry at our workshops (local at Homade, or Erasmus+ training courses in Europe) in the same % as the amount you have contributed to by paying your annual membership fee.
Example: if you have paid 20 EUR an annual membership fee and you are accepted to participate in a training with 50 EUR entry fee, then the training for you will cost 30 EUR (50-20=30).
✪ Permanent access to Homade garden.
✪ Wireless Internet at Homade garden.
✪ Invitation to Homade local Governance.
✪ Access to our Annual Assembly and decision-taking for the upcoming year.
To be an active member, you must:
✪ Fully accept the statutes, the association's internal regulations.
✪ Pay an annual membership fee, the amount of which will be set at the General Assembly.
✪ Commit to contributing with their knowledge or their activity for the purpose of Nomadways: to innovate in the field of performing and visual arts; to promote multidisciplinary, intergenerational and multicultural dialogue; assess European integration in these arts and their perception; create or participate in projects, workshops, exchanges, residencies, training, partnerships, events, etc.
✪ Commit to taking active responsibilities and participating in activities.
Being an active member of Nomadways, gives you:
✪ Create projects, activities and educational materials with Nomadways core team.
✪ Being involved in an international projects design process.
✪ Access to Nomadways Artivists working groups on Facebook and Slack.
✪ Monthly newsletters with upcoming project invitations, news about the artivists’ work and projects and insightful resources on activism, education, remote work, culture and life.
✪ Discount for every activity’s entry at our workshops (local at Homade, or Erasmus+ training courses in Europe) in the same % as the amount you have contributed to by paying your annual membership fee.
Example: if you have paid 20 EUR an annual membership fee and you are accepted to participate in a training with 50 EUR entry fee, then the training for you will cost 30 EUR (50-20=30).
✪ Permanent access to Homade garden.
✪ Wireless Internet at Homade garden.
✪ Invitation to Homade local Governance.
✪ Access to our Annual Assembly and decision-taking for the upcoming year.
To be a full member, you must:
✪ Formulate and sign a written request.
✪ Fully accept the statutes, the association's internal regulations.
✪ Commit to taking active responsibilities and participating in activities organised by Nomadways.
✪ Be members of the collegial presidency.
✪ The collegial office has the right to refuse members but must justify its decision.
Being a full member of Nomadways, gives you:
✪ Be part of the collegial presidency of the association. That gives you the opportunity to be part of the strategic planning and decision making at Nomadways.
✪ Work closely with the core team of Nomadways.
✪ Create projects, activities and educational materials with Nomadways core team.
✪ Being involved in an international projects design process.
✪ Access to Nomadways Artivists working groups on Facebook and Slack.
✪ Monthly newsletters with upcoming project invitations, news about the artivists’ work and projects and insightful resources on activism, education, remote work, culture and life.
✪ Discount for every activity’s entry at our workshops (local at Homade, or Erasmus+ training courses in Europe) in the same % as the amount you have contributed to by paying your annual membership fee.
Example: if you have paid 20 EUR an annual membership fee and you are accepted to participate in a training with 50 EUR entry fee, then the training for you will cost 30 EUR (50-20=30).
✪ Permanent access to Homade garden.
✪ Wireless Internet at Homade garden.
✪ Invitation to Homade local Governance.
✪ Access to our Annual Assembly and decision-taking for the upcoming year.
Are you as excited as we are? Here are the steps to become a member now:
Pay the annual membership fee on PayPal (the minimum amount is 10.00 EUR. However, you are invited to contribute with a higher amount and donate to Nomadways association)
Looking forward to having you!